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Showing posts from June, 2020

How to Deal with Post-Exam Stress?

Exam time is extremely stressful for students. They have to understand and memorize tons of concepts, theories, historical events, and mathematical formulas in order to make sure that they succeed with

10 Essentials For A Solo Trip Of A Woman

A must have in everyone’s bucket list is a SOLO TRIP! Yes friends, if you haven’t embarked on to one yet, then it is high time you should. And given the

Tips To Score Good In An Exam

Do you have any examination coming up where you need to score high? Or you generally want to improve your grades? Well friends, here are some tips you can abide by to make the above ones true! Yes, have a read at my article to satisfy your needs accordingly. Prepare yourself for taking the Test -     Eat right at the day of your exam: The most important thing on the day of your test/exam is to eat proper and right. Being hungry during a test distracts your mind and can make you tired. However, don't eat too soon before a test, so that you don’t end up feeling hungry again while the test. Also, make sure that you get a meal filled with low protein before you have to take the test. Eating healthy generally boosts one’s brain performance too!     Sleep well: If you don't sleep well the night before your exam, then you won't be able to focus when the pressure will be on! Make sure to go to bed early the night before, rather than staying up all night for the revisions. Your b

10 tips to crack Entrance Examinations

With competitive examinations knocking on the door as well the increasing uncertainty regarding the dates of the same, students are more stressed than ever. As the cloud of stress looms larger and heavier


And it’s the exam time ! Every individual in their entire student career, faces the brunt of exam pressure or stress. Some have it in severe portions whilst some can tackle it pretty well. But here is an overall general guideline as to

5 Reasons Why Influencer Marketing Is Here To Stay

One of the recent phenomena that have taken the marketing industry by storm, is Instagram influencer marketing. It is constantly growing by leaps and bounds, and according to Adweek,

Top 10 Universities of India

With the admission exams knocking on the door, it is extremely important to have a clear idea about the Indian universities where you are willing to apply. The National Institutional Ranking Framework


Struggling to find out the best pick amongst the top-ranked universities all over the world? Don’t worry, here I am presenting to you the top 5 institutions of 2020, of which you can be a part, in

11 Career Development Tips that will help you in the Creative Industry

In the creative industry, where things change in the blink of an eye, a single idea can give rise to a million-dollar campaign, it is extremely important to ensure your skills keep up with the latest technologies, trends, and standards. I am sharing 11 career development tips to help you keep ahead excel in this tricky yet brilliant industry. 1. Expand your Network In this digital era, strengthen your network by socializing actively on social media platforms like Linked In, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Attend industry conferences regularly. Also, joining a professional association in your field of choice is a great way to tap into a career network. Meeting people who work in your prospective field can give you valuable insight into what life is like in that career. Gather information by gathering contacts. The more strong you are at networking, the better are your chances of hearing about any new opportunities that might arise. 2. Figure out your weakness If you have a professiona

10 Tips to ace a Group Discussion

Sitting at our home, having nothing to do, we can begin our preparations for round two, which is Group Discussion round.

How much capacity does the Vogue challenge have to create a change?

We all have noticed a new viral challenge on social media. People are posting images of themselves on the cover of Vogue. But how did it all start? Referred to as the #VogueChallenge, it originated on TikTok in mid-May before taking on a new meaning amid widespread Black Lives Matter movements over the past few weeks. The challenge has gone viral on both Twitter and Instagram, where thousands of Black artists and models are creating their own versions of Vogue covers, thus uplifting Black creatives that have been largely neglected by the fashion industry in all these years. The movement started as a response to the letter Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue since 1988, artistic director for Condé Nast and Vogue's publisher since 2013, sent to employees admitting that “Vogue has not found enough ways to elevate and give space to Black editors, writers, photographers, designers and other creators,.. We made mistakes”. Over the years, Vogue has become synonymous to the fashion

10 Tips to Ace an Online Interview amid the COVID-19 outbreak

With the Coronavirus spreading around the world like a wildfire, the industrial machinery also has been brought to a standstill in its entirety - and the recruitment industry being no exception to that. The situation is so dire that it is difficult for the companies to sustain their existing workforce, because of which, it is having a huge implication on the recruitment process. According to experts, due to this slowdown induced by COVID-19, approximately 60% to 65% of the interviews have been postponed. Consistent with the current situation, most of the companies have frozen the hiring process altogether. But as we know that, behind every dark cloud, there is a silver lining, similarly there are still many companies which are recruiting new talent in a bid to prevent an economic slowdown. Needless to say, the option of conducting face-to-face interviews is off the table. Hence to counter this, the companies have resorted to conducting online job interviews for the interested candidate

How can parents help their children bust the stress of examination?

With cases of COVID19 increasing every day in the world, it is becoming more and more stressful and frustrating for the students who have put in all their labour to prepare for the competitive exams for


Mumbai may be the financial capital of India and the home of Bollywood, but it is also a true food lover’s paradise. Yes, if you love street food then the “city of dreams” is the best place to be as every


“And I am finally done with my school life” was the first statement I uttered after coming out of the examination hall on the final exam day of my 12th boards. The immediate response from my parents were - “What next? Have you decided on your career choice? Now is the real world. Be prepared!” And this was the question of life - Ask any student of Class 12 about their future goals, and one is most likely to get an utterly confusing answer. It’s not because they are less ambitious or that they have not planned about their future; but it is because they do not know the right steps or educational qualifications they need to pursue to achieve their dreams or goals. Most students believe that the Class 12 board results are the wind beneath their wings! They are, but only if the students know how to take advantage of the several directions and paths that are open to - then only can they fly wherever they want to! Since a student has a plethora of diploma, certificate, and degree courses to c

10 most underrated travel destinations in Europe

A powerhouse land of attractions wrapped over a wealth of history, culture, nightlife, tasty European dishes and charming as well as loving people to celebrate with as company - EUROPE, still remains as one of the hottest destinations in the world for tourists. However, we all are aware of a lot of famous tourist destinations in the continent, but are yet to discover few enchantingly exciting and mesmerizing destinations which escape the bucket lists of many in general, all of which deserves much credit. So let’s inculcate in an enduring ride across the 10 most underrated destinations in Europe. 1) Cuenca, Spain Perched upon a rock and with a history that can be traced back around 1300-years, the colourful houses, castle ruins, and cathedral packed with architecture spanning through various time periods come together to provide another world like feel. The surrounding nature of the karst mountains, coupled with the crystal blue river provides an awesome adventure playground alongside t

Top 10 foods you must try in Terreti Bazaar, the Kolkata’s China Town

“Eat, love, live”, has been my life’s mantra since I was a small girl. My love for tasting different cuisines has made me travel at length, to almost every nook and corner of Kolkata. And, today I will unveil a hidden treasure of Kolkata, the foodie’s paradise- Terreti Bazaar. Terreti Bazaar, originally known as Tiretta Bazaar, gets its name from the Italian civil architect and town planner, Eduardo Tiretta. Located in the eastern part of Kolkata, Terreti bazaar is not only Kolkata's China town from a gourmet's point of view but is also home to around 2000 Chinese Indian nationals. Even at 7 am, the place is teeming with numerous Chinese Indian national selling authentic Chinese food. They taste different from the Chinese food you will find in the restaurants but trust me all the dishes are heavenly. 10 items that you must try are: 1. Pork pie: A delicious meat pie stuffed with roughly chopped pork and pork fat, surrounded by a crunchy crust. Undoubtedly one of the best pork s

Missouri State University introduces online classes for international students during COVID-19 crisis

Missouri State University, long-established and one of the leading universities of the Midwest United States, has announced plans to start the ‘Fall Semester’ with a hybrid teaching approach for overseas

माखनलाल पत्रकारिता विश्वविद्यालय नोएडा कैंपस बंद करने के खिलाफ छात्रों का प्रदर्शन

माखनलाल राष्ट्रीय पत्रकारिता एवं संचार विश्वविद्यालय नोएडा कैंपस के बंद किए जाने के खिलाफ अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद (एबीवीपी) से जुड़े छात्रों ने 8 जून को नोएडा परिसर में प्रदर्शन किया। माखनलाल राष्ट्रीय


Of those unspoken words, Of those cherished moments, Of those colourful days and Those emotions revealed … Will you remember me? I have a dream. A dream to be. A dream to grow. A dream to live and A dream to believe … Will you guide me? You are there, You are anew, You are love, You are true, You are you or... Are you? When you know When you care When you stay When you are there When you bond … Will you continue to? For I am lonely For I am weak For I am scared For I am meek For your loss I am yet to speak … Cherish a bit more Cherish like never before Cherish for me to soar Cherish for tears to pour Cherish to allure Is it too much to ask for? Entangle the beauty Entangle the mess Entangle the sorrow Right through your chest Entangle the numb I know you can Know your worth Know your bliss Know your life Know your risk Know your... self Know your shizz Carry on with generations Carry on with alliterations Carry on with proliferations Carry on with alleviations Carry on with abbreviatio

Things you will get to learn in an internship

Today is my last day as an Intern writer and I enjoyed part of it. Internship is an experience gaining job where We learn the vital parts of working in an actual field job. Even though my internship was a Virtual one. Still I learned fruitful things. Even I once had a thought of whether I would be able to do such jobs or not. Part of me was not ready to be working like a professional.

People Who Vanished Mysteriously

Human disappearances have took place for many decades from many centuries, leaving behind the people around them and many future generations grappling with questions of what, exactly, happened to them. Here are few mysterious files who have been disappeared many years ago and not been found till date. 1. DB Cooper If you’ve ever watched the comedy movie Without a Paddle or a number of other movies, TV shows plots, songs, and books have been based on by the legend of this man. On Thanksgiving Eve, 1971, DB purchased a ticket under an alias, Dan Cooper, and then proceeded to skyjacked Flight 305 of the Northwest Orient Airlines which was bound for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Right after the flight took off from on what only supposed to be a thirty minute flight; Cooper told a flight attendant that he had explosives in his possession and demanded two-hundred thousand dollars and four parachutes in addition to a refuelling truck for when they would land at the airport they were o

How to make eggless chocolate brownies at home

Brownies are like mood boosters, who doesn’t love them! The first known printed use of the word “brownie” to describe a dessert appeared in the 1896 version of the Boston Cooking School Cook Book by Fannie Farmer, which was in reference to molasses cakes baked individually in tin molds. However, then the brownies didn’t contain chocolate.


Who doesn’t love chocolates? Let’s make something interesting yet easy and a delicious recipe out of chocolates! So, chocolate puddings are basically of two types - One, that is boiled and then chilled before serving, and Two, A steamed or the baked version which is quite similar to that of cakes. Ingredients you will need:     Sugar 1/3rd cup     Milk 1 cup+2 tbsp     Corn-starch 1.5 tbsp     Butter 1tbsp     Cocoa Powder 3tbsp     Vanilla ¼ tbsp     Pinch of salt Procedure: •    In a sauce pan take the sugar, cocoa powder, salt and corn-starch and then mix well. •    Next add in cold milk to it and whisk to combine well. •    Then, place the mixture on medium heat and stir constantly until it becomes thick and reaches a boil. •    Allow the mixture to boil for 1 minute while stirring constantly. •    Then, remove it from the heat and stir in butter and vanilla. •    Next, allow it to cool but stir occasionally to avoid forming a skin on it. •    Then pour it in the glass or bo

Rath yatra: the festival of chariot

Rath Yatra is coming but it might be little different due Coronavirus Pandemic. We might see heavy duty cars pulling in chariots. Interesting isn't it? But do you know how this Rath Yatra is conducted when there isn't a deadly virus in the air. Let me tell you a few things about Rath Yatra. Rath Yatra is an annual event taking place in the month of June-July in Puri. Rath Yatra is a festive celebration of odisha when Lord Jagannath, Balbadhra and Subhadra's idols are taken out of the Temple and carried on the chariot for a small journey. This practice has been carried out since 1396 CE. The whole event is a month-long process and carried out by priests, kings, Ordinary people and devotees together. Symbolising equality in front of God despite the social difference. According to the mythology, during the Summer (June) lord Jagannath, Subhadra and Balbadhra visit their aunt's house which is two miles away. Lord Jagannath wishes to visit his birthplace.  According to tradi


Indian the travel industry. Inside its fringes, snow-topped Himalayas encompass unblemished brilliant valleys, and 24 special clans are dispersed all through its requesting, yet photogenic, territory. The Shangri La of the north eastern states, it asks to be investigated, however is frequently overlooked. The easternmost of every Indian state, Arunachal Pradesh is far-expelled from the Indian terrain, foundation is poor, best case scenario, and it requires troublesome licenses from both Indian and outside visitors the same. It's anything but difficult to perceive any reason why it's the least visited state in the nation! The moderate stream of visitors who go exploring in Arunachal Pradesh is both a gift and a revile. On the brilliant side, you won't need to battle through multitudes of voyagers as you would in Himachal Pradesh or Rajasthan, and the neighbourhood individuals are significantly less prone to con you at each chance. On the drawback, little the travel industry